The “Creative Communities” Seminar
An international seminar entitled “Creative Communities. From the experience of culture animation and community arts” was the final event of the two-year project carried out in collaboration with the Arts Institute (Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas) and the Creative Communities Unit (Staffordshire University) entitled “Localise. Study tour as a model for research, education and practice in vocational training in culture animation and working with local communities”.
The seminar programme included panel discussions and workshops on the links between culture animation and the British community arts movement, the tradition of community engagement, culture animation training methodology. It was also an opportunity to recapitulate the experience of study tours held as part of the project.
During the seminar a meeting of the Forum Kultury Mazowsze initative was held, an exhibition and the “Culture and Business. A Difficult Relationship” were held in partnership with the Chair of Culture Association.
More about the project.