Examples of internships:
An internship with Janusz Byszewski
Janusz Byszewski is author of a few dozen educational and artistic projects in Poland and abroad, curator and co-founder of the Creative Collaboration Laboratory at the Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw. During the internship, students create participative situations in public space.
GPAS Praga Group of Street Workers and Social Animation
Since 1997, the GPAS has been running a long-term aid programme aimed at supporting children and their families, threatened with marginalization and social exclusion, inhabiting the Warsaw district of Praga Północ. Students work with children in selected locations e.g. by co-running activities as part of the Mobile School project.
Inna Szkoła Teatralna w Teatrze Węgajty (Alternative Theatre School at the Węgajty Theatre)
The internship covers classes in traditional and improvised dances, body and voice exercises, making new Shrovetide masks, improvisations and designing a carol-singing travelling show and performing it for the villagers around the area.