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Iwona Kurz

Iwona Kurz absolwentka Animacji Kultury Instytutu Kultury Polskiej Uniwerystetu WarszawskiegoCulture Animation was the best guide to practicing culture for me. It made me realise that the culture we are loving in is an assignment but also that it is an assignment undertaken and executed in many beautiful ways.




Works at the Institute of Polish Culture at the University of Warsaw. Editor of the periodical: „Widok. Teorie i Praktyki Kultury Wizualnej” [View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture]. Author of academic papers and articles on criticism of paintings and the visual arts.


In the years 1994–2008 she worked on the team heading the „Culture Animation” specialization and coordinating international culture animation projects financed from the EU “Leonardo da Vinci” Fund: ANIMA (1998–2001), ANIMUS (2001–2004) and ANIMATOR (2006–2008).

Editor and co-author of publications on activity in culture: Culture Animation. Experiemce and Future (2002), Now! Culture Animation (2008), Locally: Culture Animation / community arts (2008).


As a researcher, educator and expert she collaborates with many Warsaw-based culture institutions and NGOs. Member of the Programming Team of the Future of Culture Forum.