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W latach 2009-2010 specjalizacja Animacja Kultury wspólnie ze Stowarzyszeniem “Katedra Kultury” uczestniczyła w międzynarodowym projekcie teatralnym DNA (Development of New Art), w ramach którego współpracowała z organizacjami New Web (Republika Czeska), Entré Scénen (Dania), A4 (Słowacja), L1 (Węgry), Glej Theatre (Słowenia). Projekt otrzymał wsparcie finansowe w ramach programu Unii Europejskiej “Kultura 2007-2013”.


“DNA supports talented emerging artists in the field of new theatre art who:

  • work on a project basis outside the established network of repertoire-based theatres,
  • are on the edge between motion, physical, dance, visual, non-verbal, mimic and experimental theatre and cross over genres,
  • are seeking new approaches in their work.

Main project mission is to support their creative growth, trans-national mobility and good professional reconnection with the artistic colleagues and public from all over Europe. The aim of the DNA is to support new thinking, new ideas and creators; to create a gene constitution for innovative expressions, creative dialogues and free artistic choices. The DNA project tries to bring new possibilities of participation for artists of the Central European region, with a special view of post-communistic countries. The DNA project nourishes the new vital genome of the European Performing Arts with special focus on the cells of Performance, Dance, Physical theatre, Visual Art, New Media, Street Art and New Theatre Art”.