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Justyna Piernik

Justyna Piernik absolwentka Animacji Kultury IKP UWThe Culture Animation specialization was for me an inspiration for everything that matters in my professional and non-professional life. It is precisely owing to the specialization that I came across the Muzyka Kresów Foundation many years ago and participated for the first time ever in traditional singing workshop, a field which I work in today. It was among others thanks to the study trips to the East with the Borderlands School organised by the Institute of Polish Culture that I could pursue my fascination with small homelands that I have been documenting in a series of the Mikrokosmosy radio show aired in Program 2 of the Polish Radio. Popularising the philosophy of culture without divisions into low and high culture with special focus on its creative force has become my mission.


Journalist of the Programme 2 of the Polish Radio, traditional singer, culture animator. At the Program 2 of the Polish Radio she hosts her own series of Mikrokosmosy show dedicated to culture and its significance in creating local communities.


Together with the Warszawa Wschodnia group and as part of many different human configurations, she travels across the countryside in Poland, Russia and Ukraine. She studies archives, conducts field research, sings and occasionally organises social and music events in local communities.


More at: The Kujawy Atlatis or the winding road to the homeland. The story of a singer Atlantyda, czyli krętą drogą do ojczyzny. Opowieść śpiewaczki.